About us

We are a health centre with a focus on lifestyle and preventative wellness.
Providence Health Centre aims to fill the ever widening gap between the excellent, patient-centered and compassionate healthcare that Canadians deserve, and the healthcare that many are actually receiving. The Canadian healthcare system has increasingly focused on “sick-care” – namely the prioritization of emergent medical problems over chronic illness.
We offer a range of services to our clients including primary medical care, rehabilitation services, home care, and palliative care.
Our clients are very appreciative of the personalized care that they receive.

Our Philosophy
Our modern western medical system has its roots in antiquity. The man who is considered the founder of modern medicine (Hippocrates) has been venerated for millennia due to the ethics that he espoused and taught to his students. Unfortunately, our current medical system has mostly left the strong principles enshrined in the original Hippocratic Oath, and doctors no longer swear the Hippocratic Oath. Contrary to our current medical system, Providence Health Centre agrees with all the primary ethics of the original Oath. These are confidentiality, food and diet as foundations of human health, sanctity of life, purity and honesty in medical practice. Hippocrates was a Greek man who dedicated his Oath to pagan gods. We have thus chosen to adopt the following quote by the 17th century Christian physician Thomas Sydenham (also known as the "English Hippocrates") as the guiding philosophy by which Providence Health Centre treats its patients.
"It becomes every man who purposes to give himself to the care of others, seriously to consider the four following things: First, that he must one day give an account to the Supreme Judge of all the lives entrusted to his care. Secondly, that all his skill, and knowledge, and energy as they have been given him by God, so they should be exercised for his glory, and the good of mankind, and not for mere gain or ambition. Thirdly, and not more beautifully than truly, let him reflect that he has undertaken the care of no mean creature, for, in order that he may estimate the value, the greatness of the human race, the only begotten Son of God became himself a man, and thus ennobled it with his divine dignity, and far more than this, died to redeem it. And fourthly, that the doctor being himself a mortal man, should be diligent and tender in relieving his suffering patients, inasmuch as he himself must one day be a like sufferer."